Academy is the first step in joining Adventure Rock Climbing Team!
Our coaching staff uses these 6-week sessions as an intensive to build climbers’ skill sets and technique, join in team culture, and develop the soft skills needed to be an ARCT athlete! At the end of the 6-weeks, climbers join a Training Team or Elite Comp Team to shadow for a week as a tryout to move on to the next step in the ARCT program.
Academy is the first step in joining Adventure Rock Climbing Team!
Our coaching staff uses these 6-week sessions as an intensive to build climbers’ skill sets and technique, join in team culture, and develop the soft skills needed to be an ARCT athlete! At the end of the 6-weeks, climbers join a Training Team or Elite Comp Team to shadow for a week as a tryout to move on to the next step in the ARCT program.